You Spin Me Right ‘Round Baby, Right ‘Round

The biggest area of turn-key businesses is franchises. There is a franchise for ever industry in the world. They are fairly easy to acquire and come with a pre-packaged, easy-to-assemble system. McDonald’s is a prime example of a franchise business, more specifically a 12-figure, 38,000 franchises example. There are a few things we are going […]

Gather the Troops

Today I’d like to focus on the different types of support staff you will require and what makes them so integral. There are essentially three key roles that need to be filled to set your business up for success: The Technician The Manager The Entrepreneur   All of these roles must be played simultaneously by […]

Put Them in a Trance

Today we will examine the 5 essential keys to a successful and reusable marketing campaign launch. Once you have these basics down, you will be able to use them over and over again. The 5 essential keys are: Define your Unique Selling Proposition (USP); Put an effective sales offer to work; Avoid the marketing pitfalls; […]

PR Equals Free Publicity

Today, we will be focusing on how public relations can benefit your business. There are three key areas of public relations you can use to boost your advertising results ten-fold over your paid advertising. The key to public relations lies in: Public relation or publicity; Merchandising; Promotions.   With a solid plan in place that […]

How Well Do You Know Your Vendors?

Relationship building is one of the most fundamental ways to develop your business. By building relationships with your vendors you have the potential to bring in new customers and/or clients, while also increasing awareness of your company branding. The people with whom you work directly on your products and services are the ones who will […]

Telemarketing is NOT Your Enemy

Today the focus will be on direct mail marketing and yes, telemarketing to your full advantage. I know the word “telemarketing” might as well be four letters, but there is a way to utilize it in a way that customers feel like they are getting personal attention and keep them from blocking your number! The […]

Turn Prospects into Customers Overnight!

Today we will be exploring how to turn prospects into customers and retain them for future marketing purposes. While your marketing efforts are working to identify prospects, you need to figure out how to turn those prospects into customers. There are a few key ways to draw prospects in and seal the deal. You need […]

Make it Pop!

There are 5 major components to good advertising copy (the order of these is essential to success): Command Attention; Showcase Benefits of Products and/or Services; Prove the Benefits; Persuade People to Embrace the Benefits; Call to Action. Advertising is sales in print. So you need to consider how to showcase the unique benefits your products/services […]

Direct Response or Bust!

Direct response marketing demands a direct response from your potential customers. This type of marketing is used to answer questions, present your branding and products, and also explain the reason you do what you do. Customers love this, as they are offered the opportunity to respond, whether that be in the way of signing up […]

Kick Start Your Marketing

Today I’d like to teach you about the three most important start up marketing tools you need to get and keep new customers. In person: It’s essential you meet with customers/clients in person whenever possible. This shows you respect them and take the time to work with your clients to give personal attention to each […]